In collaboration with Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici di Parma e Piacenza
Teatro Farnese (Parma, june – july 2001)

The Teatro Farnese, an extraordinary place almost as old as Globe Theatre, was built in the occasion of the marriage of Odoardo Farnese and Margherita de’ Medici by the engineer and architect Giovanni Battista Aleotti. It was inhaugurated in 1628 with the Torneo di Mercurio e Marte by Claudio Achillini with music by Monteverdi. The year of the Verdian Celebrations is too much of a great occasion not to try to use it and Fondazione Teatro Due could not avoid to imagine a “Shakespeare Project” dedicated to the author who was one of the most important sources of inspiration for Verdi, if not the idea of theatre itself the composer had. Fondazione Teatro Due thus chose to present: La Tempesta, directed by Dominique Pitoiset and Come vi piace, directed by Gigi Dall’Aglio. The marvellous architectural characteristics of Teatro Farnese are the space in which every actor wants to act, a place of possible and unrepeatable encounters between international artists and audience. In 2002 the project goes on with Amleto directed by Walter Le Moli. In 2003 elizabethan authors come on the stage with Peccato fosse puttana directed by Luca Ronconi.



Una notte in biblioteca
by Jean-Christophe Bailly
translation Stefano Chiodi
with Filippo Berti, Paolo Bocelli, Laura Cleri, Ivan Olivieri
music Anne Fischer
costumes Françoise Luro
light design Claudio Coloretti
directed by Gilberte Tsaï
production Fondazione Teatro Due, Fondazione del Teatro Stabile di Torino
in collaboration with Biblioteca Palatina – Sezione Musicale e Museo Bodoniano, Parma

Created in 1999 for the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma, the show has been conceived to be placed in other libraries. In 2000 we have seen a version in Biblioteca Angelica in Rome; a Russian version has been staged in 2002 in Saratov and in 2005 there has been a French version at the Bibliotèque Historique in Paris. Now the show is in the program Torino Capitale Mondiale del Libro con Roma in the Grand Re-Tour. The show will be presented in the major Italian libraries involved in the Grand Re-Tour. Since the history of the show is so rich it could be said that its vitality comes from to adapt itself dinamically to different languages, to the history and the memory of the places in which it is staged. Every city is a specific place and every library is a microcosmos in which there is a meeting not only between architectural and space structures, but also between different cultural habits towards books. The library is a cave and a labyrinth where knowledge, epochs, songs, stories and riddles tangle up, it is a forest of the sense moved by the tiniest wind, it is a storage room for all the pieces of a huge machine with its rusty and dusty gears. But it is also a city place, a public space, similar to a huge hall near the road, open to the gazes and the encounters despite its position. The action takes place today, in a deep night.

Fuochi sparsi. Visita clandestina al Museo
by Jean-Christophe Bailly
translation Antonella Moscati
with Roberto Abbati, Cristina Cattellani, Marcello Vazzoler
costumes Françoise Luro
light design Claudio Coloretti
directed by Gilberte Tsaï
production Fondazione Teatro Due
in collaboration with Fondazione Magnani Rocca

Fuochi sparsi is a show conceived as a secret guided visit to the museum of Fondazione Magnani Rocca. Jean-Christophe Bailly, art critic, writer and playwright, often involved in events presented outside the theatrical traditions, in this occasion figured that many groups of people gathered in front of several museums all around the world to enter them after the closing time, guided by two guardians. In an atmosphere of silence and suspension, the spectators are lead into the areas of the Fondazione where paintings, from Goya to Morandi, will be the trait d’union for this artistic-theatrical path. In the half-light there will be revealed some details of the paintings with a torch: every stop will be a discover. In the room that hosts the Madonna con Bambino by Filippo Lippi, an angel appears, looking for the “real baby”, and he is disappointed when he discovers there is only a painting representing it. The two babies represented in the Famiglia dell’Infante di Spagna come out of the painting to guide the audience into the room where some of the most beautiful works by Morandi are, and they reflect on art and philosophy trying to guess interpretations from the positions and colours of the paintings, “un mondo lontano che si condensa nelle cose più vicine, nelle cose che la mano manipola e l’occhio nemmeno guarda”. Everything will last one hour, from twilight to the night, a bunch of time in which we will dive in the past and we will have the chance to have a look on some hidden and less usual details of the paintings.