logo regione casa artisti 2019

The performance took place on November 9th

a study on the first part of Peer Gynt by H. Ibsen in the adaptation of Luca Michieletti
final performance of the Stage experimentation course conducted by  Csaba Antal.

“To live is to war with trolls” wrote, in english, Henrik Ibsen, returning from Rome after visiting the Costiera Amalfitana.
From that travel he came back with to plays: Ghosts and Peer Gynt. Both filled with biographical elements, the two plays have  very different settings and goals. Disturbing portrayal on being human amd its ethical education, Peer Gynt breaks the system of values of modern society comparing it to the experience of a wild young boy, that is looking for his place in this world.
In this performance will be represented six scenes from the first part of this opera. Csaba Antal focused on creating a distopic world, where the fantasies of Ibsen could really explode. Closed in a room and in a closed world, the characters set on a game that is crazy and terrible, in which love, deahth, joy and pain take turns.
But what if it was just a dream? Or a nightmare?

with Manuela Biancoli, Giacomo Bogani, Francesca Cassinari, Lidia Castella, Simone Chiacchiararelli, Valeria de Santis, Arianna Di Girolamo, Miriam Giudice, Lisa Imperatore, Michela Lusa, Daniele Molino, Federica Ombrato, Gianluca Pantosti, Salvatore Pappalardo, Francesca Nicol Pentasuglia, Gianpiero Pitinzano, Mauro Sole, Veronica Stecchetti, Teresa Tanini, Francesco Tozzi

aereal dance and coreography Laura Massari
music arrangements by Giacomo Bogani
performed live by Giacomo Bogani, Gianluca Pantosti and Michela Lusa

directed by Csaba Antal
assistant director Francesco Lanfranchi

ph. Francesco Bianchi